Everyone knows Billy Graham . . . but who knows what propelled him to world prominence as the greatest evangelist of his time? Readers will find out in Igniting the Fire. This brand-new biography focuses on Graham’s formative years, from his boyhood through college, to his bursting onto the national scene in 1949. Author Jake Hanson, like Graham a graduate of Wheaton College, has drawn upon scores of original documents and new interviews to detail the environment, the movements, and the mentors that created Billy Graham’s passion to spread the gospel. Readers will see how God, in His sovereign wisdom, brings unique influences to bear to accomplish His will. Order Igniting the Fire today!

There are dozens of biographies written on evangelist Billy Graham, including his impressive 800 page autobiography, and hundreds more written on different aspects of his life and ministry. Why would another biography on this important figure be necessary? Igniting the Fire offers an in-depth look at an important time period previously glossed over using fresh insight, new and detailed research, and a compelling writing style which will delight the casual as well as the serious reader and student of history.